I would have never believed that one day I will fly like a bird. I really mean 'bird', where you have a full freedom to go 'almost' every where by your own wing, not like being transported by a huge airplane. In my childhood,
Doraemon's Take-copter (bamboo-copter) stunned my flying instinct enormously. Today, my dream has come true, when a set of paragliding wing and motor allows me to fly almost the same way as what Nobita could do. A real freedom.
Once decided to blog my flying experiences, there are quite a number of things worth thinking about. The first thing that came into my mind is what language I will use. Thai seems to be the most reasonable choice as most of my pilot friends are Thai and most events I would like to cover take place in Thailand. There are also many paramotorist groups with large number of members in Thailand who could be my intended audience.
Although, there are at least two major websites that host webboards specifically dedicated to Paramotor Sport (
www.thaiparamotor.com and
www.weekendhobby.com), where pilot folks around the country share their experiences, discussions and even photos. The large contributions to the webboard community show the dramatic increase in pilot number in Thailand and hence the sport popularity. One told me that we have at least 1,500 paramotor pilot active today and the number is still increased. Much less is known to the outside world about paramotor activity in Thailand. I believe that Thailand is one the best flying spot in the world, considering its mild and warm weather and all-year-round flyable duration. I thus decided to use English to attract more international audience and promote the activity to people outside Thailand.
My mission (and ambition), of course, is probably too dramatic. I have just entered the sport for less than half a year with only 80 logged flights. Anyway I consider that this is an interesting point of my blog as my flying experience will grow with my posts.
Hope you enjoy and follow it!